MB Regulation
Current as of May 5, 2019
Status: Unregulated
Type of Regulation Sought: Title Protection
Title Requested: Counselling Therapist
Website: www.fact-manitoba.org
- The group working towards regulation began as the Manitoba Mental Health Coalition (MMHC).
- MMHC was initiated largely by the Professional Association of Canadian Christian Counsellors (PACCC) and the Music Therapy Association of Manitoba (MTAM) out of concern for their potential exclusion from the Regulation process
- The name was changed to the Manitoba Coalition of Associated Counselling Therapists (MCACT) in 2014.
- In September 2016, a presentation on the regulation process was given to MCACT
- Following this presentation, the name FACT-MANITOBA was adopted to be more in line with what other provinces were doing
- The FACT-MANITOBA website has been created. www.fact-manitoba.org
- FACT-MB completed a working copy of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) (March 24, 2017)
- The Steering Committee is refining the regulation application.
- A preliminary meeting was held in September 2018 with policy advisors.
- Work continues on the application.