BC Regulation
Current as of May 1, 2019
Status: Unregulated
Type of Regulation Sought: Title Protection
Title Requested: Counselling Therapist
Website: www.factbc.org
BC has been working towards regulation since 1998.
A series of meetings with MLAs were organized as well as with the health critics for the opposition parties.
In March 2014, FACT BC (Federation of Associations of Counselling Therapists of BC) was incorporated under the BC Society Act.
Forming this new entity ensures that the government sees a unified force and that the profession is speaking with one voice.
FACT BC represents 4,500 BC counsellors.
FACT BC is organizing to develop supporting documents should the regulatory effort prove successful. i.e. a Registration Committee has been formed to develop registration criteria and has met several times and submitted its draft registration requirements to the FACT BC Board.
FACT BC organized an extensive lobbying campaign with all MLA’s to garner support for legislation.
Recent meetings with the Minister of Addictions and Mental Health have shown promise.