AB Regulation
Current as of May 5, 2019
Status: Regulated
Type of Regulation: Title Protection and access to the Reserved Activity.
Title Requested: Counselling Therapist, Addictions Counsellor, Childe and Youth Care Counsellor, Psychotherapist.
Website: www.fact-alberta.org
- CPCA and CCPA held meetings with former Alberta Ministers of Health.
- In August 2015 several organizations were invited to a meeting with staff from Ministry of Health.
- The group attending represented CPCA, APAA and CCPA.
- In addition Ministry representation of provincially employed mental health practitioners was at the meeting.
- The Ministry staff tasked the group to provide a definition of counselling and counselling therapist and a set of competencies.
- An organizing teleconference was held in October 2015 to begin the task of connecting with other like-minded organizations, and to determine a viable structure for moving the work forward.
- A meeting was held on January 16, 2016. A group met in Calgary and another in Edmonton and the groups were connected via teleconference.
- The groups present agreed to work together towards regulation.
- A letter was sent to the Alberta Ministry of Health to indicate that an alliance of mental health Counsellors had been formed and that 13 organizations agreed to be part of the Alliance.
- The group met on March 12, 2016 to formalize the structure of the Alliance.
- At that meeting it was decided that the name for the group would be FACT-ALBERTA.
- A website is available – www.fact-alberta.org.
- In September 2016 a formal application was made to the Ministry of Health to regulate Counselling Therapists.
- The application was received favourably and on April 19, 2017, a meeting was held with the Associate Minister of Health, Minister Payne, regarding the application for regulation.
- The meeting was very positive.
- In July 2017, FACT-Alberta updated its application and completed the Regulation Workbook required by the Ministry.
- The Workbook and enhanced application were submitted on July 28, 2017.
- In March 2018 an intensive lobbying campaign was held to persuade the Minister of Health to move forward in 2018.
- Over 5,000 letters were sent to MLA’s and the Minister of Health.
- Several media interviews and press conference held. (Refer to www.fact-alberta.org).
- Bill 30 introduced in November 2018.
- Bill 30 passed unanimously.
- Bill 30 received Royal Assent on December 5, 2018.
- First College in Canada to regulate Addiction Counsellors and Child and Youth Care Counsellors as well as Counselling Therapist.
- The title Psychotherapist has been reserved for the new College, the College of Psychologists and the College of Physicians and Surgeons.
- College should open in 2019.